The 3rd Alabama Cavalry Regiment
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Unit History
Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in the 3rd Alabama Cavalry Regiment (The National Archives): View, Print Copy & Save Original Compiled service records of Confederate soldiers of the 3rd Alabama Cavalry Regiment, labeled with each soldier's name, rank, and unit, with links to revealing documents about each soldier.
The Third Alabama Cavalry Regiment was organized at Tupelo, MS, 1 July 1862, by companies that had been in the service some months, and several of which, such as "Murphy's Battalion," had fought at Shiloh. These companies were from Autauga, Calhoun, Choctaw, Dallas, Mobile, Monroe, and Perry counties. The regiment accompanied the army into Kentucky and was engaged in daily conflicts with the enemy, particularly at Bramlet's Station and Perryville. It fell back with the army and was on constant and arduous duty during the remainder of the war, protecting its communications, guarding its rear and flanks, and often raiding upon the enemy's trains and outposts. It was part of the brigade composed of the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 9th, 12th, and 51st Alabama cavalry regiments, commanded first by Gen'l William Wirt Allen of Montgomery, subsequently by Gen'l James Hagan of Mobile. The 3rd was engaged at Murfreesboro, Shelbyville, Chickamauga, Kingston, Knoxville, Mossy Creek, Strawberry Plains, losing continuously in casualties, and suffering severely during Gen'l James Longstreet's winter campaign. In the Dalton-Atlanta campaign, it performed arduous service, fighting with severe loss at Decatur, and helping to capture US Gen'l George Stoneman's column. In front of US Gen'l William T. Sherman, the regiment shrouded Hood's movements, then harassed the former on his march, participating in the fights near Macon, at Winchester, Aiken, Fayetteville, Bentonville, Raleigh, and Chapel Hill. Reduced by its losses to a skeleton, the regiment was surrendered at Durham Station, Orange County, North Carolina on 26 April 1865.
Books relating to the 3rd Alabama Cavalry Regiment at
Field and Staff
- Colonel: James Hagan (Mobile; wounded, Franklin, Kingston, TN); Josiah Robins (Wilcox; wounded, near Fayetteville.)
- Lieutenant Colonel: S. Jennings Murphy (Mobile; transferred); Tyirie H. Mauldin (Monroe; resigned); Josiah Robins (promoted); John D. Farish (Wilcox; wounded, near Fayetteville)
- Major: Frank Y. Gaines (Choctaw; retired); Josiah Robins (promoted); John D. Farish (wounded, Coosa Valley); and D. P. Forney (Calhoun)
- Adjutant: R. R. Gaines of Chocta; wounded at Farmington; transferred. John L. Reddish of Wilcox; wounded in Coosa Valley; transferred. A. H. Smith.
Companies & Counties of Origin
Co. |
Formed From |
Comments / Commanded by |
A |
Choctaw County |
AKA "Ruffin Dragoons"; Frank Y. Gaines (promoted, Major); William W. Lang (resigned, 13 Dec 62); William P. Cheney |
B |
Monroe County |
formerly, Co. "M", Wirt Adams' Cavalry; Tyirie H. Mauldin (promoted, Lt. Col.); T. J. [F. J.?] Billingslea |
C |
Wilcox County |
formerly Robbins' Independent Co.; Josiah Robbins (promoted, Major); John Wesley Voltz |
D |
Wilcox & Dallas Counties |
formerly Jackson County Mounted Rifles; Thomas F. Jenkins (resigned, 30 May 62); John D. Farish (promoted, Major); Samuel W. Pegues |
E |
Mobile County |
AKA "Mobile Humphries Dragoons"; formerly Co. "D", Wirt Adams' Cavalry; Paul Ravesies (transferred); John W. Smith (resigned); James C. Brown |
F |
Perry, Dallas County |
formerly Murphy's Independent Co.; Samuel Jennings Murphy; William B. Cathy (KIA, Perryville, 8 Oct 62); Reuben W. Cole (resigned, 25 Nov 64); Thomas J. Norris (KIA, Chapel Hill) |
G |
Calhoun County |
AKA "Floyd Bush Rangers"; Daniel P. Forney (promoted); Alex O. Stewart |
H |
Autauga County |
formerly Independent Co.; Jesse J. Cox (resigned, 8 May 62); James D. [James M.?] Hill (resigned); Wilbur F. Mims |
I |
Dallas, Wilcox County |
formerly Lenoir County Cavalry; James Boykin (transferred); Augustus Tomlinson (died in service); Thomas Lenoir (KIA, Resaca); Henry R. Gordon |
K |
Dallas, Wilcox County |
R. W. Smith (transferred); Holloway |
Battles, Skirmishes and Engagements
Other Unit Info
Extracts From Official War Records
- Vol. X, Part I--(468, 469) General Bragg's report, Shiloh, says: "It would be a pleasing duty to record the deeds of many other noble soldiers, but as subordinate officers have done so in their reports, a repetition is unnecessary. I shall be pardoned for making an exception in the case of Capt. R. W. Smith, commanding a company of Alabama cavalry (Third regiment), which served as my personal escort during the action. For personal gallantry and intelligent execution of orders, frequently under the heaviest fire, his example has rarely been equaled. To him, his officers and his men, I feel a deep personal, as well as official, obligation." (531) Report of Capt. A. Tomlinson, Shiloh, says: "Entered the engagement with 57 men. Private McCurdy was shot in the right hand and Corp. W. D. King was wounded in the right arm." Report of Capt. J. Robins says: "Total number of men engaged, 73. My men behaved well, and were willing and ready to obey any order that was given them." These companies belonged to Third cavalry. (855) In Farish's company (Third cavalry), in affair on Monterey road, May 28th and 29th, one wounded; Col. Joseph Wheeler commanding.
- Vol. XVI, Part I--(894-897) Commended in Gen. Jos. Wheeler's report, Kentucky campaign. October 8, 1862, one of the most brilliant charges of the campaign was made in column: "Detachments of the First and Third Alabama cavalry, with the gallant Cols. W. W. Allen and James Hagan, being in advance, throwing the enemy's entire force of cavalry into confusion and putting it to flight. We pursued them at full charge for two miles, capturing many prisoners and horses in single combat, and driving the remaining under cover of their masses of infantry. The enemy also fled, terror-stricken, from a battery placed in advance of their general line and left it at our disposal." (899) Highly commended by General Wheeler. (See notes to First Alabama cavalry.)
- Vol. XVI, Part 2--(787) In camp about five miles from Chattanooga. From communication of Gen. Sam Jones, Chattanooga, August 29, 1862. (790) Ordered to Sparta by letters from Lieut.-Col. G. G. Garner, August 29th and 30th. (843) Assigned to left wing of army of Mississippi, by command of General Bragg, September 18th. (844) Ordered by General Hardee to move forward, in direction of Cave City, and feel the enemy, September 18th. (879) Ordered by Col. Joseph Wheeler to be ready to march in one hour, New Haven, Ky., September 26th.
Vol. XVII, Part 2--(663) Mentioned in Gen. Sterling Price's communication, dated Tupelo, Miss., August 4, 1862, in which he states that Colonel Wheeler's command will arrive the following day, when Hagan's regiment will leave at once, en route for Chattanooga. (666) In communication to General Bragg, August 4th, Gen. Sterling Price asks that Hagan's and Wade's cavalry remain at Tupelo, Miss. He says: "I shall move forward immediately, and need more cavalry."
- Vol. XX, Part I--(16) Mentioned in Gen. J. W. Sill's (Union) report, November 26 and 27, 1862, of reconnaissance to La Vergne, Tenn., and skirmish. (642) Mentioned in Lieutenant-Colonel Murray's (Union) report of skirmishes at Franklin, December 26th and 27th, and Overall's creek, December 31st. (661) In Wheeler's brigade; Maj. F. Y. Gaines. (958) Mentioned in General Wheeler's report, December 26th. (961) Report of Capt. T. H. Mauldin, commanding, of skirmishes from December 26, 1862, to January 5, 1863, during which time the regiment lost in killed, wounded and missing, 25 men, including 3 lieutenants. (962) Capt. T. H. Mauldin recommends for promotion, for their gallantry in rallying the regiment and assisting in bringing it out in order from under a galling fire from the enemy's infantry and cavalry combined, on December 31st, Sergt.-Maj. H. M. Cooper and Sergt. J. W. Norwood, of Company A.
- Vol. XX, Part 2--(432) In army of Tennessee, in Polk's corps, about November 29, 1862, Company G, Capt. D. P. Forney, not brigaded; Withers' division. (448) Special orders: "Captain Forney's company, serving at Withers' division headquarters, will report at once to Brigadier-General Wheeler at La Vergne, by command of General Bragg, December 12th."
Vol. XXIII, Part I--(140) Mentioned in report of Acting Asst. Adjt.-Gen. R. R. Gaines, March 6, 1863.
- Vol. XXIII, Part 2 (456) Gen. A. McD. McCook's (Union) communication, headquarters Twentieth army corps, June 25, 1863, says: "Until the last ten days, a regiment of cavalry (Third Alabama) have been doing all the picket duty in this front." (943) In Hagan s brigade, Martin's division, Wheeler's corps, July 31st. (960) In Morgan's brigade, Martin's division, Wheeler's corps, August 10th.
- No. 51--(19) Assignment as above, September 19 and 20, 1863. (71) Mentioned in extract of notes of Chickamauga campaign, Lieut. W. B. Richmond, September 9th. Mauldin with 75 men at Point Lookout; 3 killed, 10 wounded. Mouth of McLemore's cove covered by Mauldin's men.
- No. 52--(332) Mentioned in Gen. Robert B. Mitchell's (Union) communication, dated September 3, 1863, Martin's division, Wheeler's cavalry. (449) Mentioned in Gen. J. S. Negley's communication, dated September 8, 1863, as near Lafayette.
- No. 53--(500) In Hagan's brigade, Martin's division, Wheeler's corps, August 15, 1863.
- No. 54--(453) Commanded by Lieut.-Col. T. H. Mauldin, Morgan's brigade, Martin's division, November 30, 1863. (546) Conspicuous for gallantry in engagement at Russellville, December 10th.--From Gen. W. T. Martin's report of the Knoxville, Tenn., campaign.
- No. 56--(891) In Russell's brigade, Morgan's division, Martin's cavalry, Longstreet's force, December 31, 1863.
- No. 58--(353) Mentioned, February 7, 1864, in Gen. George H. Thomas' (Union) report, dated Chattanooga, February 8, 1864.
- No. 59--(870) In Morgan's brigade, Wheeler's corps, army of Tennessee, commanded by Gen. J. E. Johnston, April 30, 1864.
- No. 73--(819-822) Mentioned by Colonel Minty, relative to movements in vicinity of Marietta, Ga., June, 1864.
- No. 74--(650, et seq.) Assignments in Atlanta campaign. Col. James Hagan commanding, in Allen's brigade, Wheeler's corps, Johnston's army. (950) In General Wheeler's communication addressed to "Soldiers of the Cavalry Corps," dated June 18, 1864, he says: "The Third Alabama regiment, Colonel Mauldin, having been detached, dashed into Calhoun, defeated the enemy and destroyed a large, heavily-laden train of cars. A detachment also destroyed another large train a short distance north of the town."
- No. 99--(1071) In Hagan's brigade, Allen's division, Wheeler's corps, department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, Gen. W. J. Hardee, January 31, 1865. (1314) Mentioned as having been sent over to Rocky river road, under Lieutenant-Colonel Robins, March 1st. (1418) Mentioned as having gone on the Smithfield road, March 17th.
- Captain Lenoir's company, Alabama cavalry: Vol. XXIII, Part 2--(945) Mentioned, Atlanta, Ga., July 31, 1863, acting as escort, Polk's corps. (958) Lieut. W. J. Lee, escort in Bragg's army, August 10th. No. 51--(15) Capt. T. M. Lenoir, escort General Longstreet, Chickamauga campaign. Nos. 56, 58, 59, 74--(889) Mentioned as escort, Hindman's division, December, 1863, to June, 1864.
- Col. S. J. Murphy's battalion, Alabama cavalry, composed of Alabama and Florida companies: No. 42--(130, 131) Total present, 223, August 1, 1863, in Clanton's brigade, with General Maury. (157) Detachment, Mobile, August 10th, at Hall's mill and Pascagoula. No. 78--(814) Battalion Alabama cadets, under General Gardner, September 3, 1863.